Thursday, July 28, 2011

Blessings From Above

If you followed me on my previous blog (Southern Belle) then you followed our fertility story. It was a long 2 years trying to conceive and I was blessed by so many of you praying and sending words of encouragement throughout the journey. I look back now and I can't imagine what life would be like without Britton - she is so perfect! Since I never posted about her on my old blog here is a little update on the cutie pie.

Britton was born early since she/I had intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). After 10 ultrasounds and 4 stress tests she was born at 5 lbs 5 oz and was the smallest baby I had ever seen. At 32 weeks I was given a steroid shot, since the assumed she would be born early, which helped Britton's lungs develop more quickly. I am so thankful that she was able to be born naturally and came out strong and healthy, never having to make the trip to the NICU. Britton lost weight and was under 5 lbs for the first week of her life. At 1 week she came back up to 5 lbs .5 oz and has been growing steadily ever since. She is still small but almost caught up to where an average baby her age is on the charts.

I have to admit that even though she is "perfect" she is a little stinker in one area - she is a total Mommy's girl. It's bad - real bad. She can be with her dad for short periods of time but heaven forbid he try to put her to sleep.... that in her mind is Mommy's job. Since Britton is nursing it has always been my job to put her to sleep. Yes, I am a Mom who nurses and cuddles her baby to sleep - get over it - I waited too long for her to not do this. This is our special time where she snuggles in, relaxes and falls asleep in my arms. And honestly, I love it. I usually rock her in the rocking chair for 10 mins after she passes out in my arms. I love looking at her and thanking God for such an amazing blessing.

Britton is an amazingly easy baby. If I was going to every have twins I should have got twins like Britton. She is extremely happy, a great sleeper, and she only cries for 2 reasons - she is hungry or she is tired. Honestly, those are the only times she is unhappy. At 6 months I can still swaddle her up in public and she will fall asleep no problem. I thought Miss Sommer was an easy baby but boy was I wrong. Sommer was the typical baby everyone tells you about when you are pregnant - "she will cry and some nights you will see every hour on the clock..." Not with Britton, and I am thankful! If our next baby (yes, I said next baby - we want more!) is this easy we might see the 4 kids we have always talked about.

Britton is a miracle and truly a gift from God. I am proud to be her Mommy!

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